Friday, January 30, 2015

Anything but Strong

Anything but strong, this is my reality today! I am discouraged, disheartened and depleted.

Today just caught me total off guard, started okay....a few work issues that I did not want to deal with on my day off, but okay they needed to be done. Add to that car repair bills totalling $2500 and let's just say well the cheese has slid off the cracker.

If I am strong when I am weak...then that's the good news. My discouragement is weakness for sure but I don't feel much strength right now.

The worst piece for me is how I stop hearing anything but the negative when the world crowds in. Car trouble, money issues, being misunderstood, family with job issues, we all have our own list of stuff that discourages.

Home alone tonight taking time to think and process, to ask forgiveness and rest. I will rest in the Lord and the power of His might. And tomorrow will be a new day. The things that happened today will teach me how to be stronger when the winds of discouragement blow. Because I will not give up and I will not give in to the temptation to stop changing and growing, I will surrender to the love of my Lord and seek Him.

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