Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A new year, and a fresh interest in blogging. Not so much for everyone else to look into my life. Rather a place to capture my thoughts, hopes and dreams.

After spending a few weeks with kids, and grand kids, eating way to much, laughing and playing games the holiday is over, the kids have packed up to fly home and our house is quiet.

Our life expands and contracts with the coming and going of our family. In the expanding time I realize how grateful I am for great kids and spouses and fantastic grand kids. I was blessed to watch our kids parent their children, they are engaged and present in the wet cement of these little lives.
On the contracting side I am drawn again to my own life, my shotsie and our interests. Life is good.

This year I have no resolutions per say, but rather an inventory of my own mind and heart. I realize when listening to myself that I want to change. To be present in my words, to think before I speak and to be kind, and positive. I have asked my shotsie to help me, we have a code word and when I am out of bounds he will just say our private word to help to remind me to think first before I speak.

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