Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Okay Then

It has been so good to be here and to see Heidi, Sam. Ana and Zach. I know they will handle what ever comes their way.

That they have the heart and ear of the Most High God!
That they walk by faith and not by sight.
That they have a solid foundation.
That they are vulnerable not to the C word.
That Sam loves and cares for Heidi with incredible passion.
That Ana and Zach are seeing the Lord through their Mom and Dad every day.
That they are so blessed by a community of friends who are supporting them with prayer and meals.
That Heidi is amazingly living in the moment allowing God to strengthen her every day.
That we are blessed to all be completely held in our Lord's hands as a whole family.

God is good all the time!

1 comment:

Heather-31 said...

Love it ...That is awesome stuff! Thinking about everyone..sitting here at the Hot SPOT cafe eating quesidilla finishing up a really late lunch break. One hour until home time...Then more packing!
Love Ya