Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I am not great at waiting, as a matter of fact I have very little patients or waiting ability. In spite of that I cannot change anything about the current state of affairs. No matter how much I want to hurry things along and know what the outcome of Heidi's lumpectomy and what may be coming around the bend with her breast cancer... we wait, for Dr.s appointments, pathology reports...etc.

There are a few things I am doing while I am waiting. I am praying, praying moment by moment for this to be the only surgery needed, for clear margins around the tumor and for no cancer in the lymph nodes. I am praying that chemo will not be necessary and that this is a blip on the radar.

The other thing I do a lot of when I am in wait mode is clean, I realize as do my daughters, and daughter in law :) that I clean when I am anxious so this translates into clean fridges and cupboards where ever I am this case Heidi's house. I wish someone was cleaning at my house!


Heather-31 said...

Awh mom..
I love you and I will make sure your house is in top notch shape for you to come home to.

Love you.

Herm Plett said...

My Dear shotsie i am praying the same prayer that The LORD our Healer will toataly Heal our Heidi.And dodn't worry about a clean house.It will be spotless when you come home. Miss you and love you.