Saturday, November 22, 2008

Where am I?

These months have been ones of passage, strange and terrible and at times wonderful in the moments. One month aga today my mom died, I write the word and the thoughts come swirling inward, I feel frozen in how to write what her leaving us means.

The fabric of our lives are so interwoven, with the ones we love, that when they go we are left with a thousand reminders every day of the relaity of the love and life they shared with us.

I miss her so much, I feel like a year has passed and it is only one short month. I miss her smell, her touch, her phone calls and her particular brand of humor, but everytime I embrace life smile and celebrate her push into living her memory is honored.

When someone who loves God and lives for him dies, our comfort is that we will be with them again and that she is home safe, secure in the arms of her Saviour.

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